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Hello everyone,

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks for your time and help.

Best regards.
asked by (235 points)
edited by
Circa 1984.

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

Corinthian Bold Condensed, by Colin Brignall (1981)

answered by Moderator (19.8k points)
selected by
Thank you. I remember asking for an identification (probably in this very site?) and someone said that the typeface dates from much, much earlier. If I remember it well, someone had found an equivalent in some type from Lucian Bernhard or a typeface from the 30s.

Oops, your link goes to Glaser Stencil, Kevin. Here's Corinthian:

Fiz, I'm not sure there's an earlier equivalent. It's likely inspired by Johnston's London Underground, Gill Sans, Granby. 


Bernhard Gothic is not too different from Corinthian, especially in the Medium Condensed style. At least it has a similar a and round dots. Maybe that’s what you had in mind.

Thank you so much.

I did have in mind something designed by Lucian Bernhard. However, when I search for matches in FontShop, I can't seem to find a true couple. Maybe there is a typeface out there with a name that has gone unnoticed? Or maybe the original type has been stretched (vertically or horizontally) or compressed until they got to the final draft. 

In any case, of the three Berhand Gothic that are currently sold via  FontShop, I reckon that no one of them is the same typeface that is used on the cover of the Ramsay Poche Cinéma books on film.

Does anyone have any idea about the provenance of this elusive typeface?

Thanks for your time and help.



There seems to be a misunderstanding. The typeface used on the cover of the Ramsay Poche Cinéma books is positively Corinthian Bold Condensed, as identified by Kevin. Corinthian was released in 1981, and its design “was inspired by Edward Johnston’s Railway Type and Eric Gill’s Gill Sans”, as mentioned on MyFonts. The Gill relation is visible particularly in e and M.

Bernhard Gothic is related only insofar as – among Bernhard’s typeface designs – it’s the one that comes closest. Here’s a comparison of Corinthian and Bernhard Gothic.

Again, thank you so much.