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Hello everyone,

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks for your time and help.
asked by (235 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Profil, digitized by Bitstream as Decorated 035

Where does your image come from?

answered by Moderator (11.7k points)
selected by
As usual, thank you very much for your help.

I have no idea where the image came from. You can find quite beautiful images if you type the name of a type designer on Google and browse through the images. I came across a quite beautiful set of intimate pictures of Adrian Frutiger at work while absent-mindedly browsing the Internet.

Ahh, I ask because I wondered if it's related to the custom British sign lettering that is related to Profil.


It’s a Linotype production drawing for the 18pt size from the 1980s. It was shown in a feature about dimensional typefaces with items from the Klingspor Museum and the Linotype Archiv in Slanted magazine #8 “2d3d.4.”, summer 2009.


Thanks for the information. I actually found the image while randomly browsing the names of some famous type designers and I really could not find the URL again.

Edit: Given that I frequent the website of Luc Duvroye quite often, it might be possible that the image has been downloaded from his site. Apparently, the author of the typeface is called Eugen Lenz. "Profile", as the typeface was named, was apparently published in 1947.

Hello again,

Thanks for your answer. I had absolutely no idea that Profil was related to custom British sign lettering. However, if I click on the link it takes me to a Twitter post made by Twitter user Ray Newman, known in Twitter by his moniker MrRayNewman. There is yet another link in the message that seems to take one to the Fonts in Use website. However, if I click on that link, nothing happens.

Does anyone knkow why?
Ray happens to the Fonts In Use typeface entry for Profil. I linked to his Twitter post because the thread documents some of the plastic sign lettering. Scroll down to see it all.