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When It’s Not a Font
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Molson Export IMG_0005.jpg
Molson Export 1965 The_Ottawa_Journal_Fri__Feb_26__1965_.jpg
Other Labels - Molson Stock Ale 3.jpg
What is the typeface used for the text "Molson Export" and "Molson Stock Ale"?  I've found samples of it in use, at least as far back as 1964.   There appears to be a full alphabet for it, as shown in these samples, and at least three different Molson beers during the 1960s-70s period all seem to use the same type: Molson Export, Molson Golden, Molson Stock Ale, and Molson Light.

Sort of reminds me of 'Lydian', 'Christiana', or 'Barbedor', though the former is not correct, and the latter two are not time period appropriate (nor exact matches).  'Castle', another newer font, also seems a bit similar, but again, too new.

The headline in the newspaper sample seems to suggest they actually set the type in that typeface, in order to print that newspaper ad.  The newspaper type seems to be a different weight than the two label samples shown though.
asked by (24 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

I’d be surprised if this was a commonly availably typeface. I’d guess either lettering, or a proprietary alphabet/typeface. Consider asking the folks of the recently launched Canadian Typography Archives.


As you note, the newspaper sample is quite bolder in weight, and the (newer?) label at the bottom is clearly different from the top one, most notably in the S.

answered by Editor (6.7k points)
selected by
Hmm ... never seen this website before.  You're just full of useful info.  I will check them out.  Thanks!

Yes, the S seems to change over time a bit.

If you are looking for something similar – maybe a tad closer than Lydian in regard to the wider proportions and the roundness – check out Colonia. There is no commercial digitization. IIRC, it was digitized at least twice for academic purposes in the type design class at Yale School of Art.
