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When It’s Not a Font
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Most likely in the reverse contrast category. From the album "Near Death Experience" by Rombreaker. The text says Rombreaker.
asked by (11 points)
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It would be helpful to know what your sample says (I can make out a few letters, but not all), and to know the name of the artist/album (whichever your sample doesn't represent).

1 Answer

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Has thin and classic 60's shapes.

Hi Noah, whatever it is, I’ll go out on a limb and say it’s not actually from the 1960s (or 1970s). I can imagine that it’s a relatively recent release from an obscure source. Or custom lettering.

answered by Editor (6.7k points)
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It's definitely a recent release. It just kinda looks like that style but it definitely wasn't released then. I swear it's on MyFonts.
I don't think it's custom. The artist that used it is of the creative type but I don't think he'd create a typeface just for this one release. It also looks too clean to be from a novice designer.

Totally possible – both that it is a font, and that it’s available on MyFonts.


Now MyFonts as a brand can’t be called obscure. When it comes to releases on MyFonts from recent years, I’d argue the answer is different. MyFonts takes pride in sheer quantity (“the largest font marketplace in the world”, “Over 270,000 available fonts, and counting”), but there are hardly any useful ways of visual discovery anymore, beyond six big buckets and a couple of filters (which don’t seem to be maintained very well either: the first hit for “contrast: high” is Cocogoose). Tags are meaningless as well (one would expect that MT at least honed their own bestsellers, but Helvetica currently is tagged with junk like “testkeyword”, “jan28prodowntag”, “20191308”, “gokuldai”).


WhatTheFont used to be a decent way of finding something visually, but not anymore. As Kevin exemplified with a previous request of yours, newer releases aren’t included in its database, it seems.


What I’m getting at with this rant: fonts released onto the ever-growing pile that is MyFonts are now just as obscure (as in: hidden in the dark) as those that are made available via the designer’s Instagram: without having a name, they can’t be found.

I've been browsing both MyFonts and CreativeMarket and it doesn't seem to be in any popular categories.