This is slightly tougher to find, but I thankfully came across a site that has the specimen matching all the swash alternates. It's called Century Modern, but the author (Daylight) seems to be unsure whether to attribute it to Phil Martin.
This is because Martin was the owner of two phototype companies that offered original typefaces, Alphabet Innovations and TypeSpectra, and claimed credit for the designs, but many (if not all) were actually drawn by staff.
Good find, Faux Icing! I'll post the original Century Modern specimen later today.
Ok, I have checked my Phil Martin specimens and Century Modern is nowhere to be found. I did see it in Lettergraphics 1976 and phototypesetter catalogs. Here’s another specimen and more info. John, can you tell me where you found this ad so I can narrow down the dating?
I found it from this Reddit thread. The poster mentions it's from 1972.
I’m in contact with the Reddit user, but I haven't confirmed how they dated it. Daylight Fonts shows that the type was used as early as 1970, on a Deutsche Grammophon record cover.
The typeface now has an entry on Fonts In Use.