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Please identify as many typefaces as possible from this news clipping. Headline is Cheltenhem. Anyone able to identify the typeface that reads "MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL" or the caption saying "Official Major League Trademark"?
asked by (35 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Official Major League Trademark is set in Futura Bold


MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL appears to be set in Beton Condensed Bold with the original curved-leg R (digital versions only seem to include the straight leg, which was an alternate in the original).


answered by Moderator (19.5k points)
selected by
kthomps5, is it a different cut of Futura? The example has a double story lowercase a versus Futura's single story a?
You are quite correct, my mistake. It is likely Spartan, a Futura knockoff that was popular in the US and did offer a double-story a.
+1 vote

Amending my previous ID of Futura—should have been Spartan.

answered by Moderator (19.5k points)
+1 vote

"THE SPORTING NEWS" at top could be Vogue Extra Bold with alts. I'm not sure there was a Spartan or Futura with a flat sided G. 

answered by Moderator (11.6k points)
Metro Black might be another option, but without a better, larger sample, hard to be sure.
You're right. The S and 9 are very Metro.