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Anyone recognize that font?
asked by (67 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

It’s Kabel-like, but not Kabel. At least I’m not aware of a version that matches this sample. In addition to G, R is off, too. So is E L M S V r a s t y 1 etc. Also, dots are round, unlike in Kabel. (Neue Kabel has round dots, but is otherwise not a match either.)


I can imagine two things:
1. It’s a custom mix of Futura Light and Kabel Light. Several glyphs like M S 1 and also the narrow L and V are characteristic of Futura. The G might be squeezed, and the a customized. Also note the two different forms for t: one like in Futura, the other like in Kabel.
2. Considering the origin, there might be a ready-made Japanese font that includes such a mix for the Latin glyphs. But I don’t know about that.

answered by Editor (7.5k points)
selected by ago
But although it does contain repeating letters?

I’m afraid I don’t understand your question. Can you rephrase?


Here’s a illustration. The first line shows ITC Kabel Book, the second Futura Light (both using Bitstream’s digitizations). The third one is Futura with the e, a and one t from Kabel, scaled down.


Now this isn’t perfect: the weights don’t match, and the M is too narrow, for example. But there are many other versions of Futura and Kabel, some of which might come closer than what you can see in this quickly made approximation.


So it's not an actual font?