I am hoping to identify this font, used in a volume of avant-garde poetry from 1975. My research indicates that the book was typeset on an IBM Selectric Composer, although other candidates would be a Compugraphic or an AM Varityper phototypesetter.
I am most interested in the roman font, but I would be pleased to identify the italic font as well. To my untrained eye, the roman looks like a close match to IBM's "Classified News" font, which was available for the Composer, as pictured here:
https://typecast.munk.org/2015/06/09/classified-news-composer-ball-cn-x-x-and-a-large-elite-72/. But the 1 character of this sample of Classified News has a bottom serif, while the 1 in my book does not. Wikipedia lists fonts for the Composer here:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Selectric#Selectric_Composer. Could Univers be another possibility?
I picked this sample image since it contains roman, italic, and numerals, but the book is quite text-heavy and I can provide additional images if helpful for ID'ing.
Thank you!